I have come to realize that not everyone in your circle presently has to be in your circle forever. Sometimes, to actually move forward consistently, you need to evaluate your network. Check it, check what some persons in your circle actually bring to the table, this is far from hate, really, not everyone has to be with you on your journey to stardom. If really, you want to take charge of your own future, then, you decide what to do about it yourself and who should be with you on that journey. Give less attention to an individual who adds no value to you and your friendship. Valueless relationships and friendships should take none of your time, time is golden, and it waits for no one. Evaluating your circle has to do with promoting, demoting, subtracting, and adding. Your creator has given your life to you so you can be the CEO, be in charge of it. Do not give anybody the right to drive your life for you. I see an individual’s life as a vehicle that should be driven by that person in particular; you control the vehicle to move back and forth yourself, you hold the steering, the gear, you control absolutely all its movements. It is one thing to have friends, they adding value(s) to your life is another thing, not minding how far or how long you have been together, and, of course, it is not how far, but, how well!
You on the other hand, what value do you add to people around you? What organization do you belong to? What value do you add to these organizations? It is one thing to be a member, adding value is another thing. Speaking of organizations, I mean professional ones, value-adding ones. Don’t just be in circles, add values, attend conferences, and mind-blowing ones, online and offline. Let your presence be felt positively anywhere you find yourself and when you probably leave, leave impacts, be felt, either through words of your mouth or by action, you never can tell how you bless people around you, so, wherever you find yourself, navigate and build your network!
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